Hi! Welcome to EatingNewMexico. This blog covers my adventures in eating, cooking, hiking, daytripping, and exploring New Mexico. I’m a writer/editor born and raised here. After a decade-long stint farther west, I’m back in the Land of Enchantment. Truth be told, I’m mostly here for the food. But I’m also really into the people, the panoramic views, the mountains, the deserts, the culture, and the seasons. Oh, and the food.
Follow on Instagram at EatingNewMexico.

Hi, I’m Roadrunner! I’m a native of the southeastern United States, born in Georgia, raised in North Carolina. I’ve lived in Virginia, Kentucky, Alaska, Florida, and most recently, southern California. So when I’m writing about all of this great New Mexico food, you’re getting the scoop from a guy raised on fried… well… everything! I’m looking forward to sharing my New Mexico experience on EatingNewMexico.com. Hiking, cycling, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding, and, most of all, EATING all of this great New Mexico food!

I’m a native New Mexican who is madly in love with the Land of Enchantment enough to overlook the not so great parts and just focus on the savage beauty and wonder of it all. I don’t claim to be a foodie, other than enjoying copious amounts of food. I spend my free time dreaming about the glorious day when someone invents a roasted green chile perfume, and live in constant fear that I’ll gnaw my own arm off when I wear it for the first time.

I think of myself as a bit of a gastro-enthusiast, but others may just call me a snob. Either way, I’m content as long as the cuisine and libations keep coming. I brew my own beer, and know how to both bake and decorate a cake from scratch with proper butter cream Wilton roses. Most years I till the soil and grow my own fruits and veggies to be woven into a tapestry of gastronomical delight. From apple cobbler [spanning the culinary dictionary] to zucchini croquettes, I’m no slouch in the kitchen. All that said, with a try-anything-twice attitude, sometimes it’s nice to enjoy the fine edible wares of others. I’ll do my best to keep an open mind and an open mouth as I share my perspective and journey with each of you as we feast together on what NM has to offer.

I am a writer and editor born and raised in Albuquerque. The fastest ways to my heart are good coffee, good tattoos, heavy metal and industrial music, huevos rancheros, and Marble Red. One of the fastest ways to irritate me is to put me within earshot of any truism about the “Land of Entrapment.” Like my tag, I think our unique environment shapes us into something rare, beautiful, and daring that, while quickly buried by most, must be appreciated. I am proud of my home and the people in it, and I am honored to have the opportunity to share both my love of writing and my love of this beautiful state with my friends. Happy eating, brewing, hiking, and living!
Updated to Aug 5, 2024:
This website has a new owner and we want to express my gratitude to all the authors who contributed to this website. I am currently working on recovering the content and I intend to preserve their hard work. If you have any questions, please email info@eatingnewmexico.com. Thank you.